The JG Aviation aircraft maintenance workshop can perform all periodic IFR inspections related to the radio and the application of the CN called “transponder” for all aircraft with a transponder on board.
Airplane painting after sanding or stripping, prior anti-corrosion treatment if necessary, painting done in our environment equipped with extractions and adapted to the area needs of the plane (twin engine included). Only for customers in maintenance and airworthiness monitoring at JG Aviation
The team of aeronautical engineers at JG Aviation can respond quickly insofar as possible for fixing an airplane directly on site.
Once in possession of the access code, the owner gradually informs about his aircraft’s flying hours on the JG Aviation website. Thus, the state of airworthiness and the various dates of intervention will appear on the customized information page.
The JG Aviation aircraft maintenance workshop offers a wide range of services no matter your type of plane: single engine, twin engine.
Whether it is for a maintenance visit for your plane, for the repair of a damaged aircraft, or for minor adjustments on your plane, JG Aviation maintenance shop offers all types of aircraft maintenance regardless of the stage of development of your plane.
For the maintenance of the new Pilatus PC-24 aircraft, JG Aviation has built new hangars. This development is carried out in parallel with the enlargement of the runway.
Dans le cadre d’un fort développement de son activité européenne de maintenance aéronautique aussi bien piston (mono et bi-moteur) ainsi que turbine (PILATUS PC12,PC6 et PC7) et réacteur (Pilatus PC-24) la société JG Aviation recherche des techniciens aéronautiques licenciés EASA Part 66 B1-1 et/ou B2.